Private Piano Instructor


Foundation Music School is seeking a private piano instructor beginning in April of 2025.

Foundation Music School is a non-profit community school of the arts committed to providing highquality arts opportunities to individuals of all ages, abilities and incomes. Established in March 2006,Foundation Music School currently offers a range of classes for students of all ages and abilitieswhich nurture the love of music in a developmentally appropriate way. For more information onFoundation Music School, visit our website at:

Private teaching: FMS is currently seeking a part-time private piano instructor for approximately 3-6hours per week for the remainder of Spring semester with potential for growth during the Summer &Fall 2025 semesters. Private lesson load can be adjusted, depending on candidate availability andnumber of interested students. Main hours of teaching would be 3pm-7pm (Monday-Friday).

Group Piano: Potential exists for teaching Group Keyboard classes in the Fall 2025 semester for-ward .The group keyboard class teacher would be responsible for teaching 1-2 Keyboard classes perweek. Group classes are 60 minutes in length and typically have 5-8 children in each class. Theclass plan is provided. The teacher would be responsible for implementing the course plan eachweek. An assistant would be provided for classes with 6+ students. Training would take place overthe Summer 2025 semester.

Applications are now being accepted. Interested candidates should send resume which includes 3references and cover letter. Submissions can be sent by email to:


A minimum of a Bachelor's degree in music (pedagogy, performance, music educa-tion, BA, music therapy) is preferred. Teaching experience of at least one year at the beginner-earlyintermediate level is preferred but not required. Our ideal candidate would be energetic, able tocommunicate clearly with parents, knowledgeable in multiple approaches to teaching, creative, orga-nized and a team-player.


Between $27.00-$30.00 per hour, commensurate with education and experience.Teaching hours are paid hourly.

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