What does FMS mean to you?

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Foundation Music School is more than a place to learn chords and notes. It is a community of families who understand the value of high-quality music education & music therapy. Many of our families cannot attend music classes or music therapy without the help of financial assistance, so making sure we keep music affordable for everyone is part of the FMS mission statement: Foundation Music School is a non-profit community school of the arts committed to providing high-quality opportunities in the arts to interested individuals of all ages, abilities, and incomes.

But as a non-profit, FMS depends on fundraisers to keep our programming strong, our classes affordable, and our scholarships ongoing.

Please consider a year-end gift to Foundation Music School to help us end 2019 on a High Note!

Click the donate button and join the FMS effort to be a community leader in music education and music therapy in the year 2020, and witness for yourself how music really does change lives!

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